5 Killer Tips To Choose the Best and Perfect Web Hosting Provider!

Are you going to launch a new website for establishing your foothold on the internet marketing business? Then you are in a need of better best web hosting services. Am I right? :D Hosting is one of the few things you need to have when going to start a new website. Since, your website will be the face of your business and clients will look through it to know you and your business, hosting plays a vital role. Generally, the...

WordPress Automatic Updates Based on Folder Name. Is That a Problem?

Automatic Updates are great. They are one of the best if not THE best feature WordPress has. I’ve loved it since it was introduced in 2.7 (2.5 for plugins) and it’s something that really makes my life easier. If I’m not mistaken, WordPress automatic updates for themes and plugins are based on the folder name first and then on the name of the plugin and theme. Things aren’t perfect in the land of WordPress Updates. You see, two years ago...

15+ Best WordPress Membership Themes in 2023

Searching for the best WordPress membership theme to launch your site? In this post, you’ll find everything you need to get up and running with the perfect membership theme for your WordPress website. We’ll start by exploring the difference between a membership theme and a membership plugin so that you know what you should look for in each. This is essential to understand so you can pick a WordPress membership theme that will set you up for success. Then, we’ll...

WP Greet Box, my Design and Thematic – The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Photo by StevenM_61 First of all the reason: most of my trafic comes from StumbleUpon. With that in mind I decided that it would be a really good way to promote my blog by nicely asking visitors that came from Stumble to give me a thumb up if they like the article (the all “ask and you will be given” mentality). The ideea came from stumbling on a post from Smashing Magazine which nicely asked for my “Thumb Up”. Initially...