Blog is at the zenith and everyday thousands of people worldwide make use of blogs to promote an item or service or simply to share info. Blog is at the zenith and everyday thousands of people worldwide make use of blogs to promote an item or service or simply to share info. You might be among the best authors on the Internet or maybe among the best innovative writers but that wont allow you to be the best blogger on...

Add clean email subscription box below blogger posts

Email subscription box allows visitors to subscribe to a blog & be notified about latest published contents right into their email inbox, without visiting back the website. And allowing visitors to subscribe via email can help a blog grow and target specific audiences. Isn't that cool?Firstly, we will discuss on blogger's default email service & later re-design it to give a premium look. Note: This blogger widget is a part of "Premium Blogger Plugins Series". Blogger provides a default email...

Use AI to generate human face images – CyberSEO Pro

Use AI to generate human face images – CyberSEO Pro
Sometimes you want to take a picture of a random human and include it into a syndicated article. You want to have a new and absolutely unique face for every post and you don’t want to be sued for using of real people’s photos w/o their permission. Is there a way to achieve the result and avoid both mentioned problems? Yes, there is a solution and its name is AI. Perhaps you already heard about Here is how you...

An important note on GDPR and cookie walls – CyberSEO Pro

An important note on GDPR and cookie walls – CyberSEO Pro
You know that CyberSEO Pro is able to use the Full-Text RSS script by to extract full text articles from the RSS feeds that contain short the plugin will generate titles only. The Full-Text RSS script is not included into the CyberSEO Pro bundle because it’s a 3rd-party product. However, it can be downloaded separately and used by CyberSEO Pro as a 3rd-party service to comply with GPL rules. Thus here is a very important quote from Because...

CyberSEO Pro is WPML compatible now – CyberSEO Pro

CyberSEO Pro is WPML compatible now – CyberSEO Pro
Just want to remind you that CyberSEO Pro ver. 7.104 and higher is officially compatible with WPML – the WordPress Multilingual Plugin, which lets you fully optimize your site for SEO in multiple languages. WPML makes it easy to run a multilingual website with a single WordPress installation. Choose languages for your site and start translating content. WPML comes with over 40 languages. You can also add your own language variants (like Canadian French or Mexican Spanish) using WPML’s languages...

Coupon marketing 101: The comprehensive beginner’s guide

Coupon marketing is one of the most effective ways of marketing products in the market. It is nothing but a document by which you can redeem a financial discount or rebate after purchasing a product. Coupons generally issued by the shopkeepers, retailers to promote the sales of the particular product in the market. However, you need to understand that the constant growth in the digital marketing platform forces the marketing team to promote their brands into the digital coupon form...

Creating Content Outside Your Niche

  Going Against the Grain: Why Creating Content Outside Your Niche Might be The Smartest Thing You’ve Ever Done Today, bloggers are told that there’s one golden rule to blogging success: find a niche and dominate it. While it’s true that understanding your niche and how you fit into it can be an invaluable blogging tool, especially when you’re just starting out, thought leaders like Larry Kim have recently come out to say that the concept of a “niche” may...

5 Things That Annoy or Drive Away Blog Readers

Putting up a blog as part of a marketing campaign or to monetize content comes with the need to attract readers. You need to put up some effort in bringing in and keeping blog visitors. To do this, it would be helpful to get acquainted with some of the things that most likely annoy or drive blog readers away. 1. Too Many Advertisements Yes, ads are a necessity for most blogs and almost everyone acknowledges such a fact. However, having...

Post title, Post content and Post excerpt templates – CyberSEO Pro

Post title, Post content and Post excerpt templates – CyberSEO Pro
Since version 7.021, CyberSEO Pro allows one to define HTML templates for post title, post content and post excerpt. You can use these text boxes to define the layout and contents of the posts, generated by CyberSEO Pro. The following predefined tags are available: %post_title% – post title;%post_content% – post content;%post_excerpt% – post excerpt;%link% – a link to source;%post_guid% – post GUID;%media_description% – post media description (if media attachments are included);%enclosure_url% – the enclosure URL (if attachment enclosure is included);%custom_fields[name]%...

How to Boost your Followers on Instagram?

Social media sites, like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, are some of the most visited pages worldwide. Social media has gained an insane popularity because it allows people to be updated on their family, friends, or another person’s life. Instagram is quite popular these days, thanks to its newly efficient features that increase views on Instagram videos and pictures among others. It is unquestionably a fast-growing platform. For over 300 million users, it is nearly impossible to have 0 followers and...