SnapFulfil and Salesforce Commerce Cloud Integration: How To Do It

Last Updated | March 7, 2023

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As the business grows, the requirement for power WMS software also grows, and that is exactly what SnapFulfil Salesforce Commerce Cloud Integrations provide to the users. It provides the Salesforce Commerce Cloud Implementation with a powerful and capable CMS.

  • Salesforce has been seeing a growth of 25% year on year for its advanced Commerce Cloud capabilities.
  • Salesforce has generated over 25 billion dollars in the fiscal year of 2022.
  • If you want a worldwide product or warehouse units like already established brands on Salesforce like Nike, then SnapFulFil can immensely help you achieve it.

 SnapFulfil Salesforce Commerce Cloud integrations, businesses can fulfill customer orders seamlessly while also receiving real-time updates on inventory levels and the status of their orders. 

This makes it possible for companies to offer a quick and dependable ordering process to their clientele, lowering the likelihood of their orders being late or incorrect.

Enhanced Capabilities for Inventory Management

Because of the integration, businesses now have access to real-time visibility into inventory levels and locations, enabling them to improve the efficiency of their inventory management procedures. 

This includes minimizing the risk of overstocking or stockouts, automating the replenishment of stock when levels fall below a certain threshold, identifying slow-moving items that may need to be discounted or phased out, and identifying slow-moving items.

Enhanced Customer Experience

The integration makes it possible for companies to give their customers information that is both accurate and up-to-date regarding the status of their orders and the shipping details. This boosts customer loyalty and satisfaction while decreasing the number of support tickets.

Better Business Insights

The integration gives companies a comprehensive view of their operations, which in turn enables them to evaluate and improve the supply chain, order management, and fulfillment procedures they use. Businesses can benefit from this by improving their profitability, lowering their operational costs, and making decisions based on data.

Capacity for Growth and Adaptability

Both SnapFulfil and Salesforce Commerce Cloud are extremely scalable and flexible, which enables businesses to adjust their operations in response to shifting customer requirements and conditions in the market. 

The integration can be easily modified to be tailored to meet each company’s particular requirements, such as multi-warehouse management and integration with other enterprise software and hardware. Because of this, businesses are given the opportunity to grow and expand their operations while simultaneously preserving high levels of efficiency and the satisfaction of their customers.

Step-by-Step Guide for SnapFulfil Salesforce Commerce Cloud Integrations

You will need to make use of a third-party connection tool known as Patchworks in order to build integrations between SnapFulfil and Salesforce Commerce Cloud integration without the help of a Salesforce Commerce Cloud development  company. 

It offers an interface that can connect two pieces of software, which in this case are SnapFulfil and Salesforce. This works much more smoothly than the Salesforce Commerce Cloud migration, and it is in fact a much easier process.

Patchworks begins by establishing a connection with SnapFulfil, and then it moves on to establish a connection with Salesforce. Following that, it provides the user with the ability to assign actions. As a result, the step-by-step guide has been broken down into the following three sections, which can be found below:

Creating Salesforce Connection

First, you have to set up a Salesforce connection in Patchworks:

Step Number 1: Buying the Subscription

Simply go to their website, click the “Book a Demo” button in the pricing section, and follow the on-screen instructions to purchase a subscription at the starting price of 50 GBP per month.

SnapFulfil and Salesforce Commerce Cloud Integration: How To Do It

Step Number 2: Contacting

Simply fill out the contact information, and one of their representatives will give you access over the phone when they get your message.

Step Number 3: Establishing a Starpoint

Now that you have access, all that is left for you to do is establish what is known as a “Starpoint,” which is essentially a connection. Select “Add a Starpoint” from the menu.

Step Number 4: Connecting Salesforce

Perform a search for Salesforce, then establish a connection with it.

Step Number 5: Store linking

It should open a prompt asking you to connect your Salesforce account using the store link or login method when you click the button.

Step Number 6: Finding SnapFulfil

You will be able to locate SnapFulfil among your other Salesforce Commerce Cloud integrations as soon as the introductory prompt has been finished. 

Connection With SnapFulfil

The method for establishing the connection with SnapFulfil follows the same steps as before. The fourth step is the only one that is different. At this stage in the process, you need to choose SnapFulfil rather than Salesforce.

SnapFulfil And Salesforce Integration

Now that you have connected SnapFulfil and Salesforce. The next step is creation an action according to your need in Patchwork. In order to establish an action-reaction flow between both functions without your further intervention.

Step Number 1: Creating an Action

The first thing you need to do is decide what action you want to take for both Salesforce and SnapFulfil. For the purpose of illustration, let’s choose an action for Salesforce corresponding to “Order Received” and then choose “selected Item sent” as the action for SnapFulfil.

Step Number 2: Completion of the Flow

Now that you have established a connection with it. It simply implies that when Salesforce gets an order, SnapFulfil will be responsible for deploying the item that has been chosen for that order. 

Based on this, you can create quite a lot actions according to your need and make them all work together without any problems.

Lastly, you can contact a Salesforce Commerce Cloud consultant to learn more about various connection building apps for this salesforce b2b commerce cloud partner and salesforce b2c commerce developer.

Features of SnapFulfil

In this section, we have described the most important feature of SnapFulfil.

Warehouse Management

SnapFulfil’s warehouse management system is designed to optimize all aspects of warehouse operations. This includes automating routine tasks such as receiving and put-away, streamlining the picking and packing process, and ensuring accurate and timely order fulfillment. 

The system offers a range of features, such as batch picking, wave picking, and automated replenishment, that can be customized to suit the needs of each business.

Labor Management

The labor management features of SnapFulfil allow businesses to track and optimize the performance of their workforce. This includes assigning tasks to workers based on their skill level and availability, monitoring their productivity, and generating reports on labor costs and efficiency. 

By gaining visibility into the performance of their workforce, businesses can optimize their operations and reduce costs.

Barcode Scanning

SnapFulfil supports barcode scanning for all warehouse operations, which enables fast and accurate data entry. This eliminates the need for manual data entry and reduces the risk of errors, which can improve overall efficiency and accuracy. 

Barcode scanning can be used for receiving, put-away, picking, packing, and shipping, making it a versatile feature that can be used throughout the warehouse.

Inventory Management 

SnapFulfil’s inventory management features enable businesses to track and manage their inventory in real-time. This includes tracking inventory levels and locations, managing stock movements, and automating replenishment to ensure that inventory levels remain at optimal levels. 

The system also supports advanced features such as lot and serial number tracking and expiration date tracking, which can be important for managing inventory in industries such as food and pharmaceuticals.

Reporting and Analytics

SnapFulfil’s reporting and analytics engine provides businesses with comprehensive visibility into their warehouse operations. The system offers standard reports for key metrics such as inventory levels, order fulfillment, labor productivity, and the ability to create custom reports and dashboards. 

By gaining insights into their operations, businesses can identify areas for improvement and make data-driven decisions.


SnapFulfil can be integrated with other enterprise systems such as ERP, e-commerce, and transportation management systems. This enables businesses to streamline their operations and improve overall efficiency. For example, integrating SnapFulfil with an e-commerce platform can enable real-time inventory updates and order fulfillment, providing a seamless experience for customers.


Now that you know everything about SnapFulfil Salesforce Commerce Cloud integrations, then it is high time that you should make use of this software for Salesforce Commerce Cloud Optimization

Moreover, a plethora of Salesforce Commerce Cloud Support documents is available online to help at every step of your integration.

If you still can’t figure it out, contact us, and we will give you a solution without opting for Salesforce Commerce Cloud Migration. And, if you liked this guide, then do appreciate us below!


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